TMJ Treatment – Falmouth, ME
Relieving Your Jaw Pain

Under normal circumstances, you might not think twice about the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) that allow you to open and close your jaw. But if there is something wrong with one or both of the joints, you might find yourself constantly dealing with jaw pain. If you’re tired of struggling with your TMJ disorder on a daily basis, give us a call to see what forms of relief Dr. Chadbourne may have to offer with TMJ treatment in Falmouth.
Why Choose Falmouth Dentistry for TMJ Treatment?
- Customized Occlusal Splints Available
- Gentle and Comfortable Treatments
- Team That Takes Care of Patients
Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

Recognizing when you might have a TMJ disorder is essential for having it treated. Here are a few common symptoms to watch out for.
- There’s pain in the area around your jaw joints.
- There’s a clicking sound when you move your jaw.
- Your jaw sometimes gets locked, preventing you from opening or closing it.
- It hurts when you bite down.
- There are signs that you have bruxism (meaning you’re unconsciously grinding your teeth at night).
- You often experience headaches.
TMJ Treatment Options

A minor TMJ disorder might go away on its own, but treatment will likely be required in more serious cases. We typically recommend either occlusal adjustments or occlusal splints for dealing with TMJ-related issues.
An occlusal adjustment is the slight reshaping of select teeth to improve the alignment of your bite. A minimal amount of enamel will be taken off until the upper and lower arches fit together as intended. The goal of the adjustment process is to relieve the excess pressure on your jaw that’s causing your TMJ disorder.
An occlusal splint can change the resting position of your jaw, allowing your TMJs to rest and recover as needed. Additionally, the splint will help reduce the harmful effects of bruxism on your teeth. You may have to wear the oral appliance for around 4 to 6 months, but the exact amount of time is different for every patient.